Acceptance Criteria

Praise Oko-Joseph Avatar


Acceptance criteria are an essential part of the requirements-gathering process in software development and project management. They establish a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved before a story can be marked as completed.

The Pace AI Acceptance Criteria tool is designed to assist with drafting and generating acceptance criteria for the user story input. 

How to use the User Story Generator tool?

Step 1 – Search or Select the Acceptance Criteria tool from your dashboard

Step 2: Input user story.

Tip: Providing a detailed user story leads to a more precise acceptance criteria being generated.

Step 3: Select the ‘Generate’ button



As an Acquisition Gateway User, I need to select an Auction product in the Acquisition ordering platform so that I can bid on it.


Feature: Auction Product Selection

  As an Acquisition Gateway User

  I want to select an Auction product

  So that I can bid on it

Scenario: User selects an available Auction product successfully

  Given I am on the Acquisition ordering platform

  When I navigate to the Auction product selection page

  Then I should see a list of available Auction products

  And there should be a "Select" button next to each product

Scenario: User selects an Auction product with no bids

  Given I am on the Auction product selection page

  And there is a product with no bids available

  When I click the "Select" button next to the product

  Then I should be redirected to the bid submission page for the selected product

Scenario: User selects an Auction product with existing bids

  Given I am on the Auction product selection page

  And there is a product with existing bids available

  When I click the "Select" button next to the product

  Then I should see a warning message stating that bids have already been placed on the product

Scenario: User tries to select an Auction product after the bidding deadline

  Given I am on the Auction product selection page

  And the bidding deadline for all products has passed

  When I click the "Select" button next to any product

  Then I should see a message informing me that the bidding period has ended

Scenario: User has already selected an Auction product

  Given I am on the Auction product selection page

  And I have already selected an Auction product

  When I try to select another product

  Then I should see a message stating that I have already selected a product

  And the "Select" button for other products should be disabled.

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Praise Oko-Joseph Avatar

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